Review: Down the Rabbit Hole

Down the Rabbit Hole

Place Name: Escape Reality

Place Description: You and your friends were enjoying yourselves at a party when, suddenly you found yourselves transported into another world. Whether it was the drink, the food or some bizarre phenomenon that caused this rapid change of fate doesn’t matter now as you are all in danger. This dimension does not work as you would expect, in fact things can go quite topsy-turvy very quickly if you are not careful. You may not realise at first but there is an evil twist to the game. Have your wits about you, this room will try its best to tease and taunt you. Your team’s challenge is to escape sane and unscarred, whilst finding your way around this peculiar place.

  • Customer Service
  • Puzzles
  • Room Design
  • Immersion
  • Value


Down the Rabbit Hole provides a unique theme that has the ability to incorporate amazing puzzles; however, Escape Reality’s room missed the potential.  Playing it safe, Down the Rabbit Hole gives an average escape room experience with simple puzzles, great for a beginner.  The staff are very friendly and helpful.  On top of that, Escape Reality’s hint system is unique, but can be frustrating at times (carrying a tablet around).  If your looking for a good beginner escape room, then Down the Rabbit Hole may be worth your time.



  • Friendly staff


  • Simple puzzles