Review: Deepsky


Place Name: esQape It!

Place Description: In our homage to 1960's spy thrillers, you are to meet up with M.I. 6 agent Deepsky at her New York flat to receive some important information that she can only give to you in person. Upon arrival, you become trapped....can you escape before her enemies find you?

  • Customer Service
  • Puzzles
  • Room Design
  • Immersion
  • Value


Set in a 1960’s apartment, this thriller brings your team into the spy world from the start.  Filled with hidden items, cryptic messages and advanced technology, this spy thriller has something for everyone!  This room is more challenging than most.  We recommend a team of 5-6 players with escape room experience.



  • Puzzles
  • Theme
  • Spy Thriller
  • Room Details


  • None at this time